GEM-INDIA Measures

GEM-INDIA Measures

This project is a prestigious observatory on entrepreneurship worldwide and it measures the scope of entrepreneurial activity and compares it internationally. The main proposition of the GEM research project is that the level of entrepreneurial activity in a country has a backward linkage to the quality of the entrepreneurial framework conditions in the country and a forward linkage to the country’s economic growth the supportiveness of the entrepreneurial framework conditions influences the level of entrepreneurial activity, and the level of entrepreneurial activity influences economic growth. It may be noted that such macro-level relationships can be tested only by using data from several countries and hence done only by the GEM global research team. At the level of individual countries, the GEM research effort is mainly a fact-finding mission to ascertain the supportiveness of the entrepreneurial framework conditions and the level of entrepreneurial activity in the country.

Total Early Stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) for 2023-24
12.0 0%
Established Business Ownership Rate 2023-24
TEA (Male) 2023-24
TEA (Female)2023-24